Monday, July 14, 2014

Achilles Tendon Surgery

Hi everyone!  I suppose I'm a little past due for some updates on this blog.  Let me explain....
Dave had Achilles Tendon surgery on May 6.   He was sent home with a tube in his leg to keep it numb, and a sling he wore around his neck that held a plastic bag full of medicine.  And he had a plaster cast on his leg for three weeks.
 After three days he took tube out of his was long.....and after three weeks, he went back to the Dr. and came home with a different type of "boot" on his foot.  Today is July 14 and he is still off of work from this surgery.  But he is walking pretty good now, just has a slight limp, and things are moving along.  This is pretty much all we got done for the entire month of May.
 We stopped at a garage sale across from his Mom's Assisted Living facility and bought this mirror to go above our bathroom vanity for $10.00!  It even has beveled glass!
  And I insulated part of the attic while he cut the insulation.  It was something he could do by sitting or standing still. 
 I laid all of this in one direction,
 then started rolling it in the other direction. 
 So the insulation in the attic has an R value of 50.  I know you are impressed that I know about insulation R values!
I'm downloading lots of pictures now, and I hope to get caught up on this blog in the next week or two.



  1. I am impressed! Especially since I know what a hot, sweaty job that can be; you go! Hope your honey heals up quickly.

  2. You are right Jacque. It's the one job I wish I would have played the dumb blonde and pretended I never caught on. Hot, sweaty, itchy. Can't wait to be done.
