In September, of 2010, three years ago, we broke ground on our land. It was scheduled for August, but construction was delayed, and they started in September. See where the guy in the orange shirt is standing talking to the other guy?
That is where we are living now!
And funny thing is, we moved in September of 2012. September seems to be our month. Our month for change. Maybe in September of next year we can be moving upstairs.
And since this is September....I was just looking at some old blog posts....looking from where we've come. Building a house, on our own, has been a huge undertaking. And it's moving along slower than we wanted, but we've ran into several set backs we never planned on. My husband used to work in construction and he said the one thing you can count on in construction is it is going to take longer than planned and cost more than planned!
That was not a planned blog post, I just am feeling a bit sentimental....and a lot blessed.
Here is the story about our house in town....the latest story....
On Monday evening we got a call from our realtor, the new guy we just hired. The converstaion went like this....
Paul, "Can you and Dave come into town tomorrow and look over an offer?"
Me, "already?"
Paul, chuckles..."yes already."
Me, "wow!"
Paul, "can you come tomorrow?"
Me, "yes"
Long story short....we went. During the discussion of a counter offer, we were interrupted by his assistant. She said there is another showing on our house, at 5:30pm (it was 5:00pm) and they are very interested. Around 7:00 that evening Paul called and said we have another offer on our house! It was a better offer. I said we'd take it. He said the only fair thing to do is to contact the people that made the first offer and let them know. That night around 10:00, another call from Paul. The first offer people offered MORE than we were asking,and no assistance with closing costs. So we went with it. I told our realtor I thought this only happened on tv. We've been praying that someone will buy our house that will love it as much as we did. I think if you are willing to pay more than asking, you love it. When I looked at that house, I knew....Immediately...I knew. I loved it.
We have about 45 days to see if it all goes through. Inspections, appraisals, loans. In the meantime, someone stopped by while Dave was at the house doing some yardwork, asking if he could see the house. He showed them and they said, "if something falls through with your offer, please call me." And the people that were in the bidding war, are considering a back up offer. I just pray our house sells to someone that loves it.
September seems to be our month for changes.