We have been busy, busy, busy....and it's getting exciting, finally some visual stuff!
Dave got all of the duct work and lines (water, gas, etc.) finished in the ceiling of the "living area" of the basement. So I finished the insulation.

And we put the last few sheets of drywall up.

Now we have nail holes to fill, dry wall taping and
mudding to do. It seems it's been a long haul to get to this part...and I'm ready for a

So I wore this shirt as a hint. Shows he doesn't pay attention to what I wear! He didn't get the hint.

Anyway, last weekend he had to work...at work. And it was warm out! And I reckon I should do a little explaining here. Above the basement is a house! But the only thing finished upstairs is siding and framing. It's not insulated, there are no walls up, no ceiling up, you can even see a bit of the outside...so it is
ccccooooollllldddddd upstairs. Which means, other than the "living area" of the basement, it's cold in the basement. Not as cold as upstairs because there is insulation in the walls and there are walls up in the basement, but the only area in the basement with a ceiling, and insulation in the ceiling is the living area. But, because it was in the 40's and 50's last weekend, and we have a kerosene heater, we warmed the craft/storage room up a bit and I got to paint walls!
And guess what? I found a cream color of paint (see last post). And guess what it's called? CREAMY! Yup...creamy. Not ocean mist, or dove white, or whatever....just creamy. And I like it (smile!)

So, when I was talking to my sister and my cousin on the phone said, "hey you two, I'm having a painting party on
Saturday, you wanna come?"
My Sister said, "Oh gee, sorry Cindy, but I think I have plans Saturday."
I said, "well, I can change it to Friday."
Sister, "oh darn, got plans that day too."
Me, "Sunday?"
Her, "Sorry."

But my cousin!!! Well, she heard..."
waah waaah waaah waaaah...PARTY!...waah
waaah waaah!"

So the next day I got an e-mail from her, "I'm in! What time do the festivities start? What can I bring?"

How about 9:00 a.m., just bring old clothes.

Just look how much fun she is having!
Then, about an hour later, Dad showed up!

He knew it was a painting party, but he said it's too hard on Mom when he sits around the house. She has to think too hard trying to come up with stuff for him to do! (this isn't because he wants stuff to do, it's because Mom can't stand to have someone sitting around...gotta stay busy.)

So Dad rolled, Vickie trimmed the bottom, and I trimmed the top. Vickie actually started out rolling, but gave up her standing position for Dad. Nice of her.

Sorry Dad - but we told you to take your coat off!

Apparently he
doesn't have hot bodies like we do!! It's an age thing, and a woman thing, if you get my meaning! Vickie and I were warm. Hot actually. The minute he left (was he even gone yet?) we opened the door and turned off the heater!

We got the primer done Saturday, I painted the room Sunday, Dave put the trim around the doors Monday and Tuesday, and he hung l
ights and ceiling fans. LOVE IT!


These lights...he got them years ago at a school auction. A whole skid of these lights for $5.00! For the skid! They all needed re-wired. He's an electrician by trade...so no big deal.

And this area is gonna be my craft room folks. (we are also using part of the room for storage) And ideas are swirling around in my head as I type.
But right now, I gotta get ready and get out to the house because we are back in the living area, playing with dray wall mud. Ugh.