The only thing left to do in the garage, besides paint, is fix this door. It is way too tight.
Last week I mentioned a painting party. Lucky for all of you it didn't happen! The guys that we hired to put siding on the high part of the house called us last week. They wanted to jump in and start siding since it was going to be warm out. Well, the garage was needed to put the siding in, so we would have been in each others way. So we put the painting off. The weather has turned cold again, so the next warm weather days I'll try to paint the garage.
In the meantime I thought I'd share a story and show you the siding progress.
Our construction area has turned into a mud bog since the snow melted.
We laid down all of this scrap wood to walk on.
Last Friday, the guys needed some siding materials and Dave was working. So my friend, Marcia, and I went to Chrysler and got Dave's truck out of the parking lot. Then went to the building supply store and picked up the siding materials, and proceeded to the house.
Lucky for us I've lived in Indiana all my life. I learned at an early age how to rock an roll a vehicle to get it unstuck in the snow. Mud is about the same theory. Problem is, I flung mud all over the truck, all over the siding, all over everything!
The guys that were siding had a hard time too. Their ladders sunk in the mud, they sunk in the mud, there is mud throughout my house.
But look how nice the siding looks...

1) White is classic and traditional.
2) You can add color in other areas. Remember the one area on the other end of the house that is sided with T1-11. It can be painted any color I want. I can also add some shutters and stuff in colors. But in the house I live in now, the roof is dark green and we have dark green shutters. I loved the dark green color. Now I'm tired of it, but can't change it.
3) Vinyl is maintenance free. I want a low maintenance house. We are 52 and want to enjoy this place as much as possible. That's why....