Ok, so let me tell you what we've learned about bathroom vanities, faucets, and plumbing. We put the plumbing in, which I think I've told you before, according to the measurements of our bathroom vanity at home. Well, we found out they have started making bathroom vanities higher up now, so ....ahem....us older folks don't have to bend over so much. So the plumbing is in place, we bring the newly purchased bathroom vanity in the room, and the plumbing is too low for this particular vanity. Luckily, Dave can access the plumbing from behind , so we don't have to ruin the newly drywalled and painted bathroom wall.

However, when he removed some sort of plumbing something or other, water shot up like a geyser. And he did have to patch the original hole where the drain and water lines were, and re-do them a few inches higher than the old. So there was some patching on the wall, and cleaning of the bathroom already. And he spent the entire day yesterday working on the plumbing. Anyway, that was one lesson.
The other lesson, we bought this vanity that comes with this marble top. Well, we didn't think about it until yesterday, but if something happens to that top, we have to replace the entire vanity. The top comes with this particular vanity because it's an odd size. There are two smaller ends with drawers that go to this vanity that we do not have in place yet. Anyway, I'm warning y'all now, do not break this top!!! When we do the upstairs, we are purchasing the vanity before we put in any plumbing. And we are purchasing the vanity separate from the top.

Also learned a bit about faucets. In our house we live in now, one of the bathroom faucets does not swivel. I prefer it did. Dave never even realized it until I told him! We found out that when the faucets are wide-set, most of them do not swivel. When they are narrow set, they do. Above is a wide set vanity. 8 inches. Most people probably don't even know there is a difference, but there is. And we could only find one faucet that swiveled for the bathroom vanities in a wide set.

This is a kitchen faucet, that swivels. I thought it looked better than the bathroom faucet. I doubt anyone will ever notice the difference so we went with the kitchen faucet!
These are the reasons that when you say...."oh we are installing a bathroom vanity today" and it sounds easy and quick, and when you actually DO install it, it takes a week.
And when people ask a week later, "what are you working on now, when are you moving in?"
You reply, "Still working on the bathroom vanity." They give you this questioning look.
We have spent hours and hours looking for vanities, faucets, etc. I even spent the entire Labor Day with my cousin, Vickie, looking at vanities and curtains, and Dave and I spent even more time looking, trying to figure things out. Nothing, NOTHING is as easy as it sounds. But we are learning a lot and when we go to do the upstairs, it shouldn't take as long!

Here are the curtains I went with.

They weren't my first choice, but my first choice were see through and gauzy. These are cotton and not see through. And these could be purchased immediatly and not special ordered. Believe it or not, we found two curtains that were the 63" length, that did not have to be special ordered. And we went to about four places. And I needed four panels. I remember back in the day when curtains came in pairs. Now they come in panels, and it's rare to find four of the same kind without having to order them.
Since we are going to be living down here, we need something that isn't see through for night time. And I wanted something that could slide easily on the rod because we will open them during the day. It's really dark in there with them closed.

I think they turned out pretty nice for not being my first choice.

This is probably a bit hard to figure out but I decided to post it anyway. I was working on a shrug crochet pattern a couple of days ago, and as I held it up to see how it would fit, I decided it would make a nice curtain for the door (in the above picture). But I was home, not at the other house. So I held it up to the door at home and took a couple of pics.

Yesterday I put it on a rod and it fits perfectly. I like it. I need to make another panel. When I get it finished I will show you what they look like.

I didn't care much for the shrug pattern anyway!