is NOT the house on hilltop farm. It's out house in town. And what you cannot see in this picture
is the garage. You can see it in this thumbnail size picture below. I got it off of the website.

This post is loaded with pictures. I wanted to save pictures of our house in town and this is the best way I know to do it.
We bought the house off of the original owners. The man had just passed away and the woman was 92 and in a nursing home. When we got the house, 19 years ago, it did not have this room jutting off of the back, or the two/two story garage and the back yard was plain with a few bushes. No fence. No patio.
And the reason we have not been working on our house in the country is because we have been getting this house ready to sell. We emptied the house, then cleaned and painted some of the rooms.
This first set of pictures are from the website. Yes, we finally have the house listed. It took a long time to get it emptied out. When we bought the house it was full. We both had our own households to move in, and we lived here 19 years. It's the first time we've seen it empty!
The room with the five windows on the left is my man's garage. Every man LOVES this house. Wonder why? I don't think they even see the house.
Dave built the hammock stand and landscaped the back yard.
This is inside the potting shed he built for me.
greenhouse made from recycled materials
living room
upstairs in the garage. It would be a great studio.
view of pond and potting shed
view looking through arbor at potting shed
upstairs bathroom
downstairs bathroom
Here are the pictures I took. This is the front entryway
inside and out. Dave scraped them first.
I love this room. This house was built in the early 40's.
sun room
I love this old knotty pine. You just don't see wood like this anymore.
entry into the house leads to living room
living room
mail slot. Our mail is delivered right inside our house.
built in cabinet at the end of downstairs hallway
we completely gutted this bathroom and remodeled it. Tin ceiling
The glass block window was already there and I refused to let it go
so we installed a garden tub instead of a shower
this is the original chimney in the house going through the bathroom. We exposed the brick.
Closets were small in the 40's but this one was deep, so Dave built shelves behind the rack you hang clothes on.
The floors in the house is hardwood and original to the house
This is looking out into the backyard from the downstairs bedroom window
in the kitchen looking into the sitting/dining room that we added on.
In the dining/sitting room looking into the kitchen
Kitchen cabinets are original. I like leaving the character of the house the same as when it was built. So when we added on or did work on the house, we tried to keep with the character of the 40's. We did add a farmers sink.
This is a better look at the room we added on. It looks into the back yard.
Basement. Laundry room is in the basement. It's a good size laundry room.
with outlets all around if you wanted to set up a workshop. The outlets are table height.
Dave made the patio out of original Kokomo brick
side view of the garage. (muddy time of year. If you look at my other blog you'll see we are in the midst of a huge flood right now)
hardwood stairs leading to upstairs bedrooms
upstairs bathroom
view from upstairs of back yard
linen closet in bathroom
nooks and crannies in the bedrooms
attic space in both bedrooms upstairs
and behind the closet at the end of the hall. (great place to hide out!)
So there you have it. Our house in town is done. It's been a long, long haul. We cleaned out every nook, every cranny, every drawer, closet, shed, garage, room. We then cleaned the rooms. Painted some of them, refused to paint some of them! Worked in the yard and got the pond running. And left the house of our dreams to live in one room in a basement while we build the house of our dreams. So when people ask, "What is taking so long." This should give you an idea. And I'm not going to say it's been easy. IT....HAS.....NOT.
We are getting along just fine. Amazing.
We are tired.
This has probably been the most stressful part of the entire process. We just wanted the house done, and on the market by spring. The weather has not cooperated at all. This has been the longest winter ever, and now our town is flooded. Plus, we don't have room to store all of this stuff in our new house. I've had two garage-type sales, I've pitched and tossed, I've sold and given stuff away.
We are muddling through and feel a huge relief right now just to have the one house almost done.
I still have to move two beehives to the country, and a huge pile of bricks. I've given up on the brick moving party! (heavy sigh of relief from all of you!) Dave is taking a week off this week and we'll finish up. We also plan on sleeping in...relaxing....maybe getting out of town for a day...
In the meantime, say bye bye to the house in town, pray it will sell quickly, and we are back at working on our country home soon.