On Sunday, I helped Dave bring in more supplies so he could continue working on our house. We unloaded, and carried through four rooms, 20 sheets of o.s.b. They are heavy.

We had to carry one sheet at a time, and I got a huge splinter in my thumb. It was more like a hunk of wood and it actually went through the glove, then in the thumb. And it was holding the glove on my hand. And of course, I was at one end of a heavy piece of osb, so I couldn't let go. Not fun.

Then we went and got a couple of doors. Do you know how heavy doors are, especially when they are attached to door frames.

The one with the glass in it was a lot heavier than the plain one. And it was hard to get a good grip on the cardboard wrapped around the door. I almost dropped it.

We moved one in the basement and one upstairs. By the time we got to this one, I could hardly lift it.

And the last trip of the day was insulation. a dozen rolls of it. It was so cold out, it was getting late, we had been at it since about 2:30, it was now 7:00, and several rolls were wrapped all bunched up together and we could not lift them out of the truck that way. And the plastic was so strong that we couldn't rip it. And of course, neither one of us wanted to walk all the way around the house to go try to find something to rip it with...but Dave finally managed to finagle a roll of insulation out of the plastic, which loosened up the rest of the rolls. We got everything unloaded and went home. I'll be so glad when we are living in this place. Even if it isn't finished, at least we will be home, and not have to go home. Oh yeah - I slept very well Sunday night!